Workflow Hortons & Hunt


H.O.T. (Hands on Training) and Classroom Sessions

Journeyman Irons

This is a H.O.T (hands on training) where our instructors will discuss and demonstrate the art of journeyman forcible entry with irons.

Forcible entry is an art however, mastery of the irons is often overlooked. The H&H cadre will take your comprehension of one of our profession’s cornerstone skills to the next level through an in-depth explanation of the HOW and WHY behind the irons.

Seconds FLAT

This is a H.O.T (hands on training) where our instructors showcase the extreme ease and versatility of flat load hose deployment.

If your department is currently using the flat load or you are interested in exploring the option and simplicity of this versatile load, this class is for you. The H&H cadre will systematically break down the flat load and its deployment options in a way that is not only user friendly but undeniable in its practical application potential.

Attendees will start their day with a mission and goal focused lecture and then transition to the training grounds where they will receive as many hose pulls as time permits accompanied by cadre demonstration and coaching.

The 5 Rights of the First Line

This is a 90-minute lecture/presentation based on a recently published article written by our cadre.

When the air break hits, we, as first due firefighters, have decisions to make, and we need to make them NOW! Are you making the right decision when it comes to hand-line selection and deployment?

5 Rights of the First Line is a class that helps break down that selection process for first due firefighters. This class will help solidify the current framework of this decision making process for even the most experienced firefighter. Stop wasting time, make a call faster by decreasing your cognitive load through systematic steps that are straightforward, and applicable at any fire.

Recently featured

Finest Hour, Residential Search

On the fire ground, two tasks stand paramount: fire attack and victim search. With an alarming average of 3,000 civilians succumbing to structure fires each year, 80% of which occur in residential settings, our duty becomes crystal clear. Upholding the oath we took upon receiving our badges, we are pledged to protect the citizens we serve - it's the beating heart of the fire service.

At H&H, we're here to amplify that commitment. Our programs aim to foster a culture of competent and confident search operations within your organization, thus ensuring the highest level of protection for our citizens. From L.I.P to RECEO-VS, we offer expert training methodologies designed to save lives. Because in our field, every second counts - and every life matters.

Boots to Bugles

Climbing the ladder takes on a whole new meaning when you move to the front right seat. However, this transition is not for the weak. Going from boots on the ground one day to bugles on the collar the next requires much more than a good test score and a few certifications. It requires sacrifices and discipline that you must be ready for. If not, rather than lead your crew, you’ll lead yourself into pitfalls you, and your career may never recover from.

Ready to schedule a class? These and other classes offered by H&H are customizable to fit the needs of your organization.